The Beginners Guide To Art Markets


My first sticker display in 2022

My first print display in 2022


First, Why vend at Art Markets?

Art markets are a lot of work. You’re up at the crack of dawn, hauling totes, tables and tents to deal with uncomfortable weather and long hours of socializing. But there are a lot of benefits that markets can offer you.

  • Gain exposure and build your audience.

  • Receive immediate feedback on your work.

  • The opportunity to create a 1:1 connection with new and existing clients.

How to get started?

As you begin your Art Market journey remember these rules.

  1. Make it make sense when buying items specifically for markets - it has to have a purpose and function well for your user experience. Don’t get caught up in cute displays, or thinking you have to have the perfect most well designed booth. You will learn as you go.

  2. When ordering product only order what you can afford to lose, there are no guarantees and its okay to start with a small product line. Less is more and when you’re starting out its good to get a feel for what works before you take bigger risks.

  3. Leave nothing to chance. Prepare for bad weather always, for things to break, for you to forget something, for the food lines at the event to be too long, for your friend to not be able to come help, etc. keep a bin or a tote full of “just in case” items. Its better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


  • First step is to take stock of what you’re planning to sell. List the categories of your products and what items you have within each category.

  • Make sure to count how much of each product you have. This especially helps if you want to track which of your products are most popular.

Create Your Display

  • Decide how you want to display your items. Look at shops you like and other vending artists whose booths you are attracted to and consider why you are and what you like about them.

  • Display stuff can get expensive so start by investing in what is going to make the most impact, is easy to set up, and functions well.

  • Find a funky element to bring to your display to make it stand out in a crowd.

Create Your Signage

  • Take time to carefully consider your signage. Your signs need to stand out, be easy to read. Keep your fonts simple and your words to the point.

  • People do not like to ask how much something is. So make sure they can easily find the price and read it. Tag the actual item, have a pricing sign on your table etc. the more the merrier.

Make your packing checklist - mine looks a lot like this

⭐️ Tables/Tent

⭐️ Tablecloths

⭐️ # Of Product Totes

⭐️ Signs/Pricing

⭐️ Product Displays

⭐️ Rolling Cart

⭐️ Payment system

⭐️ Cash to make change

⭐️ Backup battery charger for phone/ipad etc.

⭐️ Non messy Snacks

⭐️ Water

⭐️ Emergency Kit (Aspirin, bandaid, etc. )

⭐️ Binder Clips

⭐️ Zip Ties

⭐️ Scissors

⭐️ Notebook/Pen

⭐️ Sunscreen

⭐️ Comfortable Clothes

⭐️ Hand Sanitizer

Learn As You Go & Be Patient

  • Take a photo of your set up at each event so you can remember how you did it, it will make it easier and faster to set up your booth the same way next time if you have a photo reference.

  • At the end of each event take time to think about what worked with your display, what didn’t and make adjustments as needed.

  • Not every event is going to be gang busters, you cant control the wind, rain, bad event neighbors, and so much more. Your display and yourself need to be flexible so you can handle any challenges that come your way.

  • Be patient with yourself, events can be tricky to master but once you find the system that works its easily repeatable.

  • Rest! Events are exhausting on your mental and physical health and wear on your social battery. Take time to recharge and celebrate your wins! Sometimes events are just as much about building your audience as they are about making sales. You might not see the advantages right away but you are planting seeds at every event you do and they grow in surprising ways.

You got this!


Kaleidoscope Circus


Figure Drawing