Altar Cards

The Altar Card series was inspired by the 8 Pagan holidays or Sabbats. The focus of these holidays is to reflect and honor our connection to nature, our fellow man, and the ways that we contribute to our community and environment. An Altar Card is a decorative addition to your altar or space dedicated to the seasons or equinox celebrations.

  • Samhain

    Also called the witches New Year, a time to celebrate and remember our ancestors.

  • Yule

    Winter Solstice

  • Imbolc

    Marks the beginning of spring

  • Ostara

    Spring Equinox, A celebration of renewal and rebirth.

  • Beltane

    The first fire festival.

  • Litha

    Summer Solstice

  • Lughnasadh

    Marks the beginning of the harvest season.

  • Mabon

    The Autumnal Equinox , a time of balance, equality and harmony.


Kaleidoscope Circus

